October 4-9th 2024
A 5 Day Residential Immersion
The Work
A Deep Dive – A Lush Immersion
Into the embodied education of humans and nature.
Into bodies in motion.
Into the weaving of land and community.
Into the heart of delicious dialogues with the invisible.
Into the educational relational field.
The Work
A Deep Dive – A Lush Immersion
Into the embodied education of humans and nature.
Into bodies in motion.
Into the weaving of land and community.
Into the heart of delicious dialogues with the invisible.
Into the educational relational field.
Sink into the diversity of different streams of embodiment and attune to the rhythmic body language of now.
Open multiple dialects with the symbolic, the etheric, the subtle and merge with the mysterious threads that instruct your movements.
Thread your way home and be woven whole.
During our time you will:
Earth Ritual
Retreat on the land
Yoga and Movement Koans
Dialogue with the Elements
3 Price Tiers Available
Accommodation on the land
in Shared Bell tent, workshop and food included
$2,599 Aud
Private Camping
(with your own gear) on the land, workshop and food included
$2,299 Aud
Outside Accommodation
workshop and food included
$2,199 Aud
By application only
Space is Limited
Kate Shela

I have been called M’Lady Get Down, Shelora the Aura, Shela The Healer, Hummingbird Woman, A Court Jester and a Shamanic Dominatrix.
A Cross between Frida Kahlo and Lucille Ball, A Slayer and an Exorcist.
I am all of these and none of them. They are all faces and archetypes that shape shift.
I am stable and wild, I am disciplined and creative.
I am here for this revolution and know the purpose of healing is to animate artistry.
For us to be a voice for that which has no voice, a voice for deep things, that reach all the way back to the ancient and into the practical.
Truth is, after 34 years of teaching, shamanic healing and my professional 360 long life in so many spaces and with so many folks, there ain’t nowhere we can’t go.
Kate is the Co- Founder of The 360 Emergence. She is a movement maestra, dynamic shapeshifter, a potent shamanic healer and seer. She brings transformational medicine to every dance floor.
A catalyst with heart who creates life retrievals. She drops into the belly of listening and draws out the innate healer in each of us.
Kate possesses a bold improvisational style and a passionate sense of humour that enables magic to ooze into the everyday moments.
Kate conducts a brave space where the vulnerable real and the extraordinary raw are welcomed, harnessed and integrated. She is a Londoner who travels the worlds.


Velan is a movement devotee, and at the core of his work he is an activator for cultural change.
Velan is passionate about cultivating energy and exploring the limits, edges and boundaries of the human journey. He has a wide range of global experience from teaching in conscious communities, to the field of high performance with professional athletes and coaches, to the engagement with CEO’s and management teams.
Velan is deeply influenced by Master Zhen Hua Yang and has been working with energetic cultivation for the past decade. He applies this work in the subtle martial arts of relating and within the relational field of conflict. He is also a student of Carmita Vicente (Chief, Medicine Woman of Ecuador) which has activated a deep embodied inquiry about the communication, dialogue and reciprocity with the living forces on earth.


For over 2 decades, Adya has embraced the study and passionate exploration of various forms of Yoga, somatic healing, birth education, doula practice and women’s health and empowerment. Her work has been nurtured and informed by the Earth-based spiritual path of the Red Road.
Adya has held Yoga Teacher Trainings and embodiment immersions for the last 15 years, and has been deeply nourished by initiating students into potent portals of evolutionary healing. Her warmth and loving awareness creates a safe space to activate new pathways of self-inquiry.
With a compassionate and yet direct approach, she invites students to seed regenerative culture from the core of being-ness, a generosity of presence and radical self responsibility.

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