For nearly 3 decades, Adya has embraced the study and passionate exploration of various forms of Yoga, somatic healing, birth education, doula practice and women’s health and empowerment.
Guardians of the Gate - Women's Mystery Training
Through this training, we invoke an Elemental Shamanic map of Women’s Mystery, unveiling seeds of wisdom crucial for these times.
Through daily embodiment exploration, initiatory practices and living ritual, we amplify the commitment to our craft and enhance the impact of our work in the world.
We become true wisdom holders and anchor our service as Guardians of the thresholds of change.
A 10 week Journey
Available now as a private mentoring process
or an online global community experience (March 2025)
Guardians of the Gate will support you to
- Embody the Power and Wisdom that you are
- Navigate the initiations of life with Grace
- Claim your Intuitive, Sensual Joy of Being
- Nurture and elevate the frequency of your relationships
- Honour your vitality and commit to Nourishing daily practice and Ritual
- Meet life from a resourced and integrated space, so your can live in more flow and abundance
Pillars for our journey
The depth and potency of this journey will vibrate into all aspects of your life
Pillar 1: Earth - Anchor Alignment
Ground intention and the commitment to evolve
Re-weaving her story – Uprooting limiting beliefs
Landing in the Body – Embodying the wisdom of your life path
Crafting your tools and rituals of Power
Pillar 2: Water - Purify into Clarity
Dissolve limitations
Gaining resources to reframe challenges as Gateways
Unravelling patterns that create stagnation
Merging with flow state and creative power
Pillar 3: Fire - Activate Vitality
Embrace revolutionary self responsibility and Dance the invitation
Initiation and transmutation
Rebirthing your unique gifts into manifested Reality
Creative passion awakened
Pillar 4: Air - Become a hollow bone
Live your Gifts as a Guide and Wisdom Holder
Claim and define your medicine
Refine the Gift
Birth your work back into the world
What we do is…
- Invoke an Elemental map that outlines all areas of your life. This allows you to unveil and anchor the Wisdom you have cultivated and lived
- Explore initiatory practices and rituals, create medicine bundles of power and craft the tools to anchor your unique designs.
- Purify the aspects of self that have inhibited your embodiment of Wisdom
- Clarify your Vision and anchor your commitment to Evolve as a Guide for others
I’ll support you to embrace daily inquiry and rituals to nurture commitment, purification and vital health giving practices as a consistent base for aligning with Grace and Abundance.
This creates a solid foundation to live and manifest your unique gifts without limitation of mind or body.
The Journey includes...
- A held 10 week process
- 1 online or in person meeting per week for 1.5 hours
- Daily meditations, somatic journeys, Earth based Rituals
- Accountability connection throughout the week
- Personally tailored map
Ready to Transform?
Embrace the power and wisdom that you are
by nature and say yes to your flowering.
Book a discovery call with Adya
Doula Services
Deeply immersed in the activation of Women’s health and empowerment for nearly 3 decades, as a Doula Adya holds space for Birth and beyond.
Her support is grounded in Embodiment practice, raw and authentic exploration of themes around the threshold of birth as well as Ritual based initiatory experiences.
By calling in Adya as your Birth Doula
you will receive
- Ongoing Guidance, support and education for the birthing mother and partner (Through email, phone calls, or text.)
- Support in clarifying preferences for a Birth Plan
- Practices, Tools and techniques for preparation
- Ritual of Blessing for the Birth Portal
- 3 2 hour in person sessions prior to Birth
- Emotional, physical and ritualised support during birth
- Integration and setting new foundations for postpartum life
- 3 2 hour in person sessions post Birth
- Support in anchoring postpartum communal holding
Adya was trained through the Seattle Midwifery school in 2002 and was then certified through DONA, (Doulas of North America) and the Pacific Association of Labor Support.
She continued her yoga studies with a private Pre-Natal Yoga training and apprenticeship and worked with pregnancy and as a Birth doula extensively over the years that followed, until she began the journey of Motherhood with her own babies.
Mother of 2, Adya’s personal birth experience amplified her passion and commitment to support women and families to experience supported, informed and empowered portals of Birth. Through a nourishing and integrated birth and postpartum experience, seeds of healthy relating, self awareness and nurturing family dynamics are anchored and lived.
This is a profound to activate and nourish cultural change
Her work has been nurtured and informed by the earth-based spiritual path of the Red Road as a Moon Dancer and student of Shamanic education.
Adya is currently under the guidance of Carmen Vicente who is bearer of the Art of Altars, chief of the dance of the Sun and Spirit, founder of the School of Secrets and guardian of the Vision Quest.
For many years Adya has held Yoga Teacher Trainings and embodiment immersions, and has been deeply nourished by initiating students into potent portals of evolutionary healing. Her warmth and loving awareness creates a safe space to activate new pathways of self-inquiry.
With a compassionate and yet direct approach, she invites students to transform culture from the core of being-ness, a generosity of presence and radical self responsibility.

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